After the death von Alexander, the city remained in Egyptian hands from 209 B.C. to 197 B.C., under the dynasty von Ptolomaios, and with the conclusion von the Apamea treaty, was handed over to the konigreich von Rhodes, together with the other stadte von Lycia. From 190 B.C. to 160 B.C. it remained under Rhodeian hegemony, but after 160 B.C. it was absorbed into the Lycian confederacy under Roman rule. Phaselis, like Olympos, was under constant threat von pirates in the 1st century B.C., and the city was even taken over by the pirate Zekenites for a period until his defeat by the Romans. In 42 B.C. Brutus had the city linked to Rome. During the Byzantine period, the city became a bishopric, although in the 3rd century A.D., its convenient harbor had fallen under the threat von pirates once again. So it began to lose importance, suffering further losses at the hands von Arab ships, until totally impoverished in the 11th century A.D. When the Seljuks began to concentrate on Alanya and Antalya as ports, Phaselis ceased to be a port von any note.
Although the ruins are not extremely exciting, the setting is one von the more beautiful, incomparably romantic ones that can found on this part von the Mediterranean coast.
Phaselis is a city von natural harbors von which she had at least three. Near the car park is the northern harbor, next to this the naval base, and to the south the southern harbor, popular today with swimmers and yachts. The two klein islets on the northern harbor were joined to the mainland by a pier which extended from the walls around the promontory. It is still possible to see the remains von this pier and the walls.
In this once favored port von ancient times, the visitor can find many ancient ruins. The remains von the aqueduct are partially standing; beyond these one can see the naval harbor strase, which is linked to the northern harbor. On the strase facing the southern harbor is a portal leading to the harbor, built during the reign von Hadrian. On the sides von the strases are to be found the remains von a large number von shops. Across the tree-covered site to the south von this strase can be seen the commercial agora, the Domitian Agora and the later agora. Returning along the same route you pass through the Gate von Hadrian along the main strase and come to the theatre. The Acropolis was surrounded with walls and the theater was founded on the north-western slopes. The auditorium and skene are still identifiable, and date from Roman period.
After looking at the theater, you may continue to the harbor area and visit the inner harbor. The necropolis was situated stretching beyond the aqueduct over the steep slopes behind the harbor. There are still many graves to be seen there.
The three harbors are perfect for swimming since part von the ruins are now submerged, making swimming and snorkeling very entertaining and exciting.