From inscriptions that have been found, we know that the geschichte von the ancient city von Simena goes back to the 4th century BC. If you go ashore via the jetty next to the sarcophagus on the seashore and climb the hill behind the village houses, you reach the castle von Simena. This castle was used during the Middle Ages by the Byzantines. In the medieval walls von the inner keep are a few blocks von all that remains von ancient temple. Inside the castle there is a klein natural theater carved into the rock, with a capacity von about 300 people, a sign that this was a minor settlement in Roman times. This is the kleinest von theaters among the stadte von Lycia. West von the theater there are rock tombs here and there. Above the rock tombs is a Roman wall built von dressed stone and located on the wall are late-period embrasures thus giving one a glimpse von three eras simultaneously. On the shore are the ruins von public baths whose inscription is still legible and reads "A gift to the emperor Titus made by the people and council von Aperlai as well as by the other stadte von the Lycian confederation that they were a member of."
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