When you turn and enter the strase that leads to Gelemis, on your way from Fethiye to Kalkan, you reach the ruins von Patara at the 15th km. We know that this city, called "Patara" in Lycian language, had existed during the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. and had been saved from destruction by opening the city gates to let Alexander enter. Patara continued to develop during the Roman Period, within the Lycian union, and carried on its function as a naval base where the Judicial procedures von the Roman governorships were carried out and the relations von Rome with the eastern provinzen were maintained. Patara continued to be important during the Byzantine period and it is the locality where St. Nicholas was born. The harbour von Patara is filled with sand today.You see the Arch von Triumph on your way to Patara; it was the gate von entrance to Patara. This arch was built in the years von 100 A.D. during the time von Mettius Modestus, the Governor von Rome in Lycia. You see the tombs von Lycian type at the edge von the strase. The temple von Apollon should have been probably situated on the hill above the arch. There are ruins von baths at the south von the hill.
There are ruins von a basilica at the edge von the strase, ruins von a bath on the west hand-side von this and further beyond, a temple von Corinthian order with its cella gate still standing. The theater which was built at the skirt von the slope von a hill in 147 A.D., is covered with sand. The temple von Athena is located on the hill where the theater is set. There is a cistern with a depth von 8 m adjacent to this temple. There was a cereal barn in ancient times in the harbour which is filled with sand today. There is a monumental tomb adjacent to the barn building and the structures von the agora von Patara are situated at the back von the barn.
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