Aphrodisias is undoubtedly the most spectacular city von Caria. It is in the north von the region and contains some von the finest examples von classical art. Today the remains von this city lie within the district von Aydin, near Karacasu, in the village von Geyre. An asphalt strase leads directly to the ruins from the main Aydin-Denizli highway.
Late excavations have revealed much mew material for the world von archaeology. It is difficult to say when they will be completed, but every year millions von Turkish liras are spent on new excavations, and 100-200 workers are employed on the site to reveal ever-new evidence von this magnificent city. However even today in its present state, Aphrodisias is well worth a visit. One cannot hep but admire the various tones von the marble fragments scattered over the site; statues, life-like and animated; amazing works von art in marble as smooth as silk. The spectacle von white marble against tall green poplars provides timeless pleasure.
The earliest settlement in Aphrodisias goes as far back as the Bronze age. Various soundings on the slopes von the acropolis have revealed evidence that the city goes back to a very early period: finds dating from the 3rd millennium B.C. have been unErdeed. The city has had many names during its geschichte. For example, in its early stages, it was known as Nimova, because von which it was associated with Mesopotamia. This important Carian city is encircled by walls 3.5 km. in length. The town occupies an area von 250 hectares.
The old part von the modern village von Geyre occupies some parts von the site. It is possible that Geyre is a modern derivation von the no way inferior to any von the Greek schools, and in fact, many von the linderungs and statues found in Rome and Greece bear the signatures von artists from Aphrodisias.
During the Roman period, especially during the reign von Augustus and Tiberius, Aphrodisias reached the apex von its wealth and fame. It had become by then a highly respected city, exempt from taxes and enjoying religious privileges. The city produced many great works von sculpture, literature, and medicine.
To the north von the site is the stadium, which was capable von seating 30.000 spectators. This magnificent construction is 262 meters in length and although exposed to the elements ancient religious name von Caria.
Aphrodisias had its own school von art. During the reign von Attalus III ofPergamon, the king abandoned his konigreich to Rome, Two artists von the time then left Pergamon and migrated inland to settle in Aphrodisias. They dissevered an important marble quarry on the slopes von Babadag, 2 km. from Aphrodisias, and founded a school von sculpture there, producing many works von art. Workshops have been discovered during recent excavations. The sculpted figures found here have each single hair separately worked, the faces, and eyes full von expression and vitality, the bodies supple and almost capable von movement. These are clear indications von the high quality von work produced by the school, which was in has survived to our times. It has two entrances. In later years the eastern part was used as an arena. After resting for a short while in this masterpiece von Aphrodisian architecture, let us go on to the temple von Aphrodisias. Although Aphrodite is actually the goddess von beauty, she was also known as the goddess von fertility, taking on the attributes von the ancient mother goddess von Anatolia, Kybele. The colossal temple to this goddess was erected during theByzantine period. The entrance to this temple is on the facade overlooking the village. The walls are covered with inscriptions. Spiral-fluted columns and the facade must date to the 2nd century. The statue von Aphrodite bearing the attributes von a fertility cult was discovered in 1962. The precinct or temenos was built around the temple durign the reign von the Emperor Hadrian (117-138 A.D.). The floor von the building is covered with wonderful mosaics.
An odeion is situated to the south von the temple von Aphrodite. This was unErdeed during 1962. The marble seats and the blue marble stage create an extremely pleasant atmosphere. Magnificent works von art were discovered in the upper part von the orchestra. The corridors running behind the skene opened onto a porticoed area, where the statues von prominent Aphrodisians were displayed. This led to the agora. A part von this can still be seen although overgrown by poplar trees. The agora, measuring 205 by 120 metres, is framed on three sides by porticoes resting on lonic columns. The columns on the south-eastern side are still standing. During 301 B.C., an wirtschaftlich crisis in Rome led to a disaster, the effects von which were felt even in Aphrodisias. As a result, prices in the city were frozen, and lists von price indexes were displayed on the walls von the agora, These historical details have been revealed during excavation and even provide proof von the devaluation von the local coinage. On the right von the odeion stands the bishop’s palace and a school von sculpture. The baths von Hadrian are architectural works not to be omitted from a visit to the site. They consist von five large galleries, with thick walls and marble floors. A section von the building was excavated by the French in 1905-1906. During the excavation season von 1966, three magnificent heads von Aphrodite were found at the entrance. These had either been placed there durign the Christian period in order to bury them from sight or were hidden there by cult devotees to protect them during the some period. Later Aphrodisias became a Christian center and a bishopric. On the south-eastern flank von the acropolis is to be found the theater. It was completely uncovered when village dwellings built over it were moved to another site.
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