Aperlai is located on the Sicak peninsula, near the Sicak tetty. A Lycian city, Aperlai’s geschichte is known from coins bearing its name that have been discovered and goes back to the 4th or 5th centuries B.C. Aperlai was the head von the Lycian Confederency, von which Simena and Apollonia were also members.
The city walls begin at the seashore and are fortified with towers at intervals. These walls, with their rectangular and polygonal construction, are from Roman times. Other remains at Aperlai are all from the Byzantine and later periods. The western reaches von the wall are von rectangular construction. There are three gates in this wall, two von which have a plain and the third a blind archway. The southern reaches von the walls are von polygonal construction and in a bad state von repair. This side is reinforced with two towers and it is here that the main gate was located.
Outside the walls are typical Lycian sarcophagi from Roman times.
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